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Megan Noone

New Enquiries Team Leader

Areas of expertise

Client Onboarding

Areas of expertise

Client Onboarding

Megan joined Poole Alcock in 2018 in a junior role. Megan quickly showed she was committed to ensuring all clients have the best possible experience in the most efficient manner. Megan was recognised for this and joined the firm’s Onboarding Team in 2019 where she was able to expand her knowledge of the specialist areas within Poole Alcock.

In 2021, Megan was promoted to a New Enquiries Team Leader where she is further able to ensure clients are at the centre of the work she does and supports her team to do the same. Megan deals with enquiries in a friendly and sensitive manner to ensure both clients and potential clients enquiries are addressed without the use of legal jargon to make the process as straightforward as possible.

In her spare time, Megan enjoys Latin and Ballroom dancing volunteering with a local dance group teaching people of all ages.


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