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Court of Protection

The Court of Protection deals with financial and medical issues relating to vulnerable adults. If you are dealing with the affairs of a loved one who no longer has mental capacity you may have to apply to become a deputy. Find out how we can help you.

Congleton meeting room

Court of Protection – Deputyship

The Court of Protection deals with all issues affecting vulnerable and incapable adults, including financial affairs and medical treatment. Many people are unaware that this court exists, let alone what it can do, until they find themselves looking after a loved one who has lost mental capacity.

If you find yourself having to manage the affairs of someone who is no longer able to make decisions for themselves you can apply to the Court of Protection to be made a ‘Deputy’. The Court then has the power to decide if you are suitable to take on that role and, if approved, you will have to report back to them on an annual basis to prove that you are carrying out your duties responsibly.

Applying to the Court of Protection can be a complicated process. Our team of solicitors has years of experience in dealing with these issues and can apply on your behalf, making it much easier for you to concentrate on caring for your loved one.

Poole Alcock signing documents

Ensuring you are protected – Lasting Powers of Attorney

Alternatively, you may want to plan ahead so that your loved ones are already equipped to deal with these issues should they arise, by preparing a Lasting Power of Attorney. This is a faster process and is a fraction of the cost of dealing with the Court of Protection, but must be put in place while you still have mental capacity.

If you would like help dealing with a loved one’s affairs or would like the peace of mind that a Lasting Power of Attorney can provide then please contact our specialist team.

Family department team

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If you would prefer, you can contact us on 0800 470 0339.

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We received a very professional and friendly service from Danielle who explained all our options clearly to us.

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