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Personal Injury Solicitors

Our dedicated personal injury team specialise in helping accident victims of all ages, who have suffered serious, life-changing injuries or fatalities. 

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Accident at Work Claims

Whether you are a full-time or part-time employee you are protected by the law if you sustain an injury whilst at work. This applies to accidents caused by your employer, another employee, a colleague or a contractor. Injury at work can arise from a number of different situations including:

  • slips or trips
  • defective equipment or machinery
  • failure to provide appropriate equipment or machinery
  • manual handling including lifting
  • exposure to harmful and dangerous substances
  • fall from height

In addition to compensation for your injuries, we can help you to recover all expenses reasonably incurred and caused by the accident such as loss of earnings, medical treatment costs, cost of care (whether provided by a healthcare professional, family or friends), and future losses, such as loss of earnings and pension payments. If your claim has reasonable prospects of success then we will be happy to act for you on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis. 

Across our team, we have extensive experience and knowledge in Personal Injury law.

Injury at work can arise from a number of different situations.

Here are some of our Personal Injury services.

Chronic Obstructive Pumonary Disease (COPD) Claims

COPD is a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing issues. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are both COPDs. COPD happens when the lungs and airways are damaged and inflamed as a result of long-term exposure to harmful substances such as cigarette smoke, which is the main cause of COPD, but can also be caused by exposure to certain types of dust and chemicals at work.

Pulminary Fibrosis Claims

Pulmonary fibrosis is an interstitial lung disease which means that it affects the tissues that support the lung system. Some examples of the disease caused by working conditions include Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, which is sometimes known as ‘farmer’s lung’ (caused by breathing in mould on hay or straw), or ‘bird fancier’s lung’ (when caused by breathing in dust from bird droppings or feathers). Another common workplace form of pulmonary fibrosis is Pneumoconiosis, which is caused by breathing in certain dusts, resulting in scarring.

Silicosis Claims

Silicosis is a long term disease of the lungs caused by inhaling silica dust usually over a number of years. Silicosis usually develops between 10-20 years of exposure but can develop as soon as 5-10 years. Our team has experience in a number of cases dealing with silicosis diagnoses, and can offer practical advice.

Work-Related Occupational Asthma Claims

Occupational asthma is caused by breathing in substances at work such as dust, chemicals, fumes and animal fur. We can help bring a claim against an employer if we can prove causation from exposure to allergens – including exposure to dust, chemicals, fumes or other substances. Our team is experienced in working with occupational asthma claims, and can provide expert advice.

Repetitive Strain Injury Claims

Your employer is under a duty to assess any risks in your work to ensure that if it is repetitive by nature, you are given sufficient breaks or job rotation. If we can establish, using independent medical evidence, that your job is repetitive and that you have developed an injury as a result, you may be entitled to recover compensation

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss or Tinnitus Claims

When hearing loss has been caused by exposure to excessive noise during employment, the law may allow you to bring a claim for compensation if it can be shown that the employer had been negligent is failing to safeguard against excessive noise. The personal injury team at Poole Alcock Solicitors is experienced in obtaining compensation for work-related hearing loss.

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome and Vibration White Finger Claims

An employer has a duty to eliminate or reduce exposure to vibration to as low a level as is reasonably practicable. If an employer is found to have been negligent, or breached a duty of care, you may be entitled to claim compensation for the injury. Our team of work injury solicitors can help claim for loss of earnings, travel expenses from medical appointments, treatment costs and care and assistance costs.

Compensation for Work-Related Dermatitis or Skin Problems

Compensation for Work-Related Dermatitis or Skin Problems We can help deal with claims regarding skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, ringworm and psoriasis that are caused by working conditions and situations including exposure to irritants, ‘wet working’ and aggravation of conditions caused by accidents.

Compensation for Fatal Accidents

You may be considering a claim following the loss of a partner, parent or child. You or somebody else may have been dependent upon that person and it is important that you receive the right advice before making a claim.

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General Accident Claims

Accidents happen. Sometimes no one is to blame, but where an accident has been caused by the fault of somebody else, it can leave you not only with a serious injury but potentially out of pocket through loss of earnings, rehabilitation costs, damage to property/clothing and other associated costs. At Poole Alcock, we believe in helping our clients to recover compensation in those circumstances where they have suffered as a result of someone else’s negligence. We are committed to fighting for the best possible settlement, including support in your recovery as well as financial compensation. We operate on a No win No fee basis, and there are no hidden costs.

Cycling Accident Claims

If you have suffered personal injury following a cycling accident, then you may be entitled to compensation if the accident was caused by other road users, potholes, poorly designed cycle lanes, or a faulty bike. We are able to help with investigating liability, including interviewing witnesses, rehabilitation, compensation for immediate injuries and to reflect the damage to your bike and accessories, and any other financial loss associated with the accident.

Head and Brain Injury Claims

Head injuries can be caused by any type of accident, be it following a road traffic accident, an accident at work or a trip or a slip. At Poole Alcock Solicitors, we ensure that the severity of any head injury is assessed by our independent medical experts before preparing a report on the injury, its impact on your life and how long the impact is likely to last. We can discuss the potential for a legal guardian or ‘litigation friend’ to take over on your behalf, or whether a power of attorney or deputy should be appointed. With claims of this nature, where it is difficult or impossible for you to attend our offices, we will visit you at home or hospital.

Slip, Trip or Fall Claims

Accidents can happen at any time and in any place – in the street, at work, at the supermarket. If you think that another person or organisation was responsible for your accident then you may be entitled to compensation. In addition to compensation for your injuries, we can help you to recover all expenses reasonably incurred and caused by the accident, such as loss of earnings; medical treatment costs; cost of care whether provided by a healthcare professional, family or friends; or future losses, such as loss of earnings and pension payments

Spinal Injury Claims

Suffering a spinal cord injury can be a life-changing event, impacting on almost every aspect of your life. In addition to the aid provided by our specialist solicitors, we will engage the services of specialist experts to assist us with dealing with your spinal injury claim. These experts will often include spinal surgeons, barristers, occupational therapists, rehabilitation experts and care providers.


Here are some of our most-asked questions for Personal Injury.

How much do I have to pay? Do you offer no win no fee?

We operate on a No win No fee basis. There are no hidden costs. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the funding of your case.

What experience do you have in Personal Injury?

Our solicitors are experts in the field of claiming compensation for our cients, each with over 15 years experience. Head of Personaal Injury Anna Burns is accredited with the Law Society PI panel and is an APIL specilist.

At Poole Alcock Solicitors, we ensure that the severity of any head injury is assessed by our independent medical experts before preparing a report on the injury, its impact on your life and how long the injury is likely to impact you if not permanent.

What is the process for making a claim?

You provide instructions for Poole Alcock to act on your behalf

We will launch the claim at the Defendant and use our experience when legal arguments arise to overcome them

We will fight for the best possible outcome for you

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Please submit your information and a member of the Poole Alcock team will respond to you as soon as possible. If you have a quick question, please feel free to call 0800 470 0334.

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What people say about us

I just want to thank you sincerely for the excellent manner in which you dealt with my recent personal injury claim and to say and to say how surprised and pleased I was with the result.

Thank you again for your help and kindness.

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