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Specialists in
Divorce &

Poole Alcock’s compassionate solicitors appreciate that dealing with divorce and family matters is stressful. You can rely on our team of expert family law solicitors who will understand your needs and provide expert legal advice to help you through your separation and divorce.

We’ve got years of experience in supporting clients across the UK with divorce & family law matters. Book your free initial consultation with our team today.

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Supporting you with Divorce & Separation

We recognise that if you're seeking a divorce lawyer, it's likely you're facing a life-changing set of circumstances. Learn more about our services below or get in touch with our compassionate team.

Separation Agreements

If you are considering a divorce, we would highly recommend applying for a financial consent order or entering into a separation agreement. These agreements enable you as a couple to formally detail the division of your money, property and assets in writing.

The benefits of a separation agreement help avoid any issues in the future during your divorce, so you can both prove what has been agreed by both partners. Each separation agreement is reviewed in fairness by each partner; which is why we would advise you use a qualified solicitor to guide you throughout the negotiating process.

Finances on Separation

Sorting your finances after a divorce can be one of the most daunting parts of a divorce or separation. It is a process required to review any financial concerns between you and your partner. Financial separation can include savings, pensions, property; and any monetary maintenance once you have divorced. If there are any children involved, their welfare will be considered as priority during the negotiation process. Our caring team are here to guide you through this complex process and the reduce any potential conflict between each party.

Poole Alcock

Experts in Divorce Law

We believe our clients deserve to receive the highest possible standard of customer care and legal advice. To achieve this, we ensure our lawyers and support teams are highly skilled professionals with a passion for delivering excellent service which focuses on our clients’ individual needs and circumstances.

All of our divorce and family solicitors are members of Resolution, our accreditation partner. We also offer divorce on a fixed fee basis so you can rest assured the cost of divorce proceedings is settled in advance, depending on your circumstances.

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