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Lasting Power Of Attorney

As you get older you might find you need help dealing with your everyday financial affairs or health decisions.

If you would rather focus upon enjoying life now, with peace of mind from knowing you have made your wishes regarding your personal welfare clear, one of the best ways is to prepare a Lasting Power of Attorney as part of any wills and probate arrangements. If you have an elderly relative who is beginning to suffer from lack of memory and confusion, it is important to talk to them about making a Lasting Power of Attorney as soon as possible.

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What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

A Lasting Power of Attorney is a straightforward legal document authorising someone you trust to make decisions and act on your behalf in the future if you are unable to. The Power of Attorney document also includes safeguards to protect your interests. You can trust Poole Alcock to advise you or your relatives on the best way to use this important document to plan for the future. If, for some reason, you do lose mental capacity and you do not have an LPA in place it can be a very complicated and costly for your family to deal with these issues. They may need to apply to the Court of Protection for authority to deal with your finances and may not be consulted on your wishes regarding medical treatment and care.

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney.

Lasting Power of Attorney – Health and Welfare

This type of LPA ensures your preferences for medical treatment and ongoing care are taken into account and can only be used if you lack mental capacity and are unable to make decisions for yourself. Resolving these issues when you are already frail and vulnerable is complex and an can take an emotional toll on your loved ones.

Lasting Power of Attorney – Property and Financial Affairs

This type of Lasting Power of Attorney is used to ensure your finances are protected. It can be used for setting up payments, handling bank affairs or dealing with property transactions. This can be used while you still have mental capacity, which can be useful if you become less mobile or if you travel a lot and are often out of the country.

Court of Protection

The Court of Protection deals with all issues affecting vulnerable and incapable adults, including financial affairs and medical treatment.

If you find yourself having to manage the affairs of someone who is no longer able to make decisions for themselves you can apply to the Court of Protection to be made a ‘Deputy’.

Applying to the Court of Protection can be a complicated process. Our team of solicitors has years of experience in dealing with these issues and can apply on your behalf, making it much easier for you to concentrate on caring for your loved one.

If you need help dealing with any issue regarding wills & probate, please contact us to arrange a call or meeting.

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Get in touch with us

If you would like a consultation to discuss intestacy, please complete the contact form below. If you prefer to speak on the phone, please do not hesitate to call us on 01270 625478. We’re happy to meet with you at home or in our offices – whatever is convenient for you.

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The Contract has been worth every penny and has been a great investment so I am very grateful.

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