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Experts on
Separation Agreements

It’s vital that you receive expert advice from a solicitor before entering into any legal arrangement. Poole Alcock’s family law team is available to support you.

A separation agreement is a written agreement used when a couple want to stop living together. It is vital that any contract is drafted correctly to avoid any future problems in the event of future relationship breakdown. Book your initial consultation with our team today.

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What is a Separation Agreement?

The agreement can be used to decide a variety of topics including, who will pay the mortgage, living arrangements, division of property, any maintenance payments to be made and arrangements in relation to any children. It can help the parties by having a written agreement to ensure they both understand what has been agreed. It can be used to allow both parties some breathing space before commencing any court proceedings or potentially reconciling.

In any subsequent court proceedings, the agreement would be persuasive as to the parties intentions and the Judge may be reluctant to interfere if the terms are deemed to be fair and reasonable.

How can Poole Alcock support you?

It is vital that legal advice is sought to ensure the agreement drawn up is a fair and legally robust contract between the parties. Especially if there is a failure of one of the parties to adhere to the terms and they are taken to court for breaching the agreement. We’ll make sure that your interests and assets are safeguarded throughout the process.

Get in touch with our on-boarding team to learn more about how Poole Alcock can support you. We’re committed to building lasting legal solutions.

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