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GMC Investigation

General Medical Council Investigations

If you are facing investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC), then it is essential that you receive specialist legal advice, before responding to the GMC

The GMC will investigate concerns/allegations raised against Doctors that call into question their fitness to practice.

Matters that the GMC will investigate include:

  • Serious professional misconduct
  • Surgical errors
  • Diagnostic errors
  • Prescribing errors
  • Dishonesty
  • Financial misconduct
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Alcohol or drug dependency
  • Impairment due to health issues
  • Criminal convictions
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GMC Investigation Process

If the GMC believe that an allegation is credible, or considered serious enough, then a preliminary investigation will begin, and the GMC will invite you to make representations.  It is always important to respond with representations to any allegation that has been made against you. At Poole Alcock we can assist you in making appropriate representations to the GMC.  Written representations can make the difference between a case against you being closed, or continuing onto the next stage.

If your case does continue to the next stage, case examiners will make a decision whether any action should be taken against you.  This can include concluding the case with no further action, a letter of advice, issuing a warning, offering conditions/undertakings on your practice to comply with, or a referral to the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS).  Receiving a warning or agreeing to voluntary conditions/undertakings may appear to be an easy resolution, to what can be a stressful time, however it is essential that you receive specialist legal advice, as these are made public and can seriously damage your reputation and effect your future employment prospects.  At Poole Alcock we can advise you on challenging a warning, and advise whether conditions/undertakings are appropriate for you to agree to.

Fitness to Practice Hearing – Sanctions

Should your case proceed to a MPTS fitness to practice hearing, and it is found that your fitness to practice is impaired, the MPTS has a range of sanctions to impose, including:

  • Taking no action
  • Placing conditions on your practice
  • Suspension
  • Erasure from the Register

The GMC could also apply for Interim Orders, at the Interim Order Tribunal, to be made whilst the investigation against you is ongoing.  The Interim Orders that can be made can either place conditions on your practice or even suspend you from practice, before any allegation has even been proven.

At Poole Alcock we can assist you in defending allegations that have been made against you, regardless of which stage of the investigation your case is at.    

Poole Alcock offer competitive rates for representation and advice. Contact us today for further information.

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