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Being involved in a litigation dispute that affects you personally can be a very difficult time that can impact your home life, your immediate environment, or your relationships. You need litigation solicitors you can trust, who will act quickly and understand the impact and costs of litigation both financially and emotionally. Disputes can be stressful and sometimes costly. Our expert solicitors understand this and will support you with advice, outlining your options at the very first meeting to help you to balance the risks against the potential rewards. Read below for some of the litigation services our team specialises in, and contact us to discuss a potential case.


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How can we help?

Please see below for our Litigation services

Debt Recovery

A party owed debt has a number of options to take against a creditor which, depending on the creditor, can range from sending a letter before action to applying for bankruptcy and a winding up petition. Our Debt Recovery solicitors will help you decide which course of action to take, advise at each and every stage of the process, and issue or defend court claims. A full breakdown of debt recovery pricing can be found here.

Contract Disputes

When another person or organisation has broken a contract between you to provide goods or services in return for payment, you may have grounds for compensation or redress. Our team also deals with contract disputes, which can arise for a number of different reasons, including fraud, disputes over terms and conditions and disagreements over the meaning of technical terms.

Professional Negligence

Most professionals have a duty of care to their clients, but occasionally they make a mistake, and the work or service they provide falls short of expectations. When that poor advice affects you adversely, you may have a valid case to claim compensation for professional negligence, which our team can help advise on and represent for.

Why choose Poole Alcock?

Accredited with Lexcel

The Law Society’s Standard for excellence in practice management and delivering quality client service.

Experienced individuals

Providing commercially sound, clear expert advice and assistance whether bringing or defending a claim.

Fighting Your Corner

We will advise from the outset the merits of your case, your options and a realistic indication of costs. We work tirelessly towards getting you the best outcome, with minimal impact to your business.

Fire Safety Law

The FRS Fire and Rescue Service are responsible for compliance with the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Orders 2005, which became law in 2006. For those found in breach, the sentence can range from an unlimited fine to a custodial sentence of up to 2 years. At Poole Alcock we can assist you in defending allegations that have been made against you, regardless of which stage of the investigation your case is at. We can advise on employment obligations, defence, prohibition notices and more.

Food Safety Law

The Food Standards Agency work alongside Local Authorities, who have the power to inspect premises run by food business operators. A conviction for offences of food safety and food hygiene can lead to substantial fines which can be unlimited or even custodial sentences up to 2 years in length. As a result early advice from a specialist solicitor from the outset can make a huge difference to the outcome.

Inheritance Claims

If you believe that you should have been included in someone’s will, or received more under their will than you did, then you may be entitled to make a dependency claim within six months of the grant of probate or letters of administration. Where the deceased died without a valid will, the intestacy rules govern the automatic manner in which their married, or civil partner, and other close relatives, inherit their estate. If you are not provided for under these rules, or you consider the amount you receive to be insufficient, you might be able to bring a claim against the estate

Will & Probate Disputes

You may want to challenge the validity of a will if, for example, there has been a mistake, lack of capacity or undue influence at play at the time the will was made. Whether it’s a dispute over the division of assets, feuding beneficiaries or you’ve been left out of a will unfairly; you need expert advice from solicitors you can trust. That’s where we come in. When a loved one passes away, the last thing you want is a family feud or an on-going legal battle. We will explain the merits of a potential claim, cost consequences and time scales.

Possession Claims

Whether it is a case of rent arrears, non-payment of service charges, nuisance or damage and all other attempts to resolve the dispute have failed, then landlords may be able to take court action to repossess a property. However, it is important that any claim is made correctly and abides by the strict procedures, as well as time scales. That is why getting the right legal support is vital for landlords who want to repossess their property.

Property Ownership Disputes

Disputes over ownership of property can arise in a variety of circumstances including where property is left to children after a parent passes away, or when relationships between cohabiting couples break down. In these cases, parties often find themselves in dispute with each other over the proportion of the shares they own in the property or how they are to realise their interest. This is a technical and complicated area of legislation that can be intimidating and difficult to navigate alone. There are various paths a property ownership dispute can take, with Poole Alcock you can be sure that no matter which way your case progresses our solicitors will take it all in their stride.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

There are various ways that you can resolve a dispute without the time, stress and expense of going through the formal court process – the general term for this is ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution’ (ADR). Our Alternative Dispute Resolution solicitors have experience in dealing with different types of legal dispute resolution, and have worked with all kinds of businesses. If you’re unsure whether this is right for your business and your situation, get in contact with our team

Types of Alternative Dispute Resolution


An informal discussion on a ‘without prejudice’ basis (this basically means that in the event your dispute proceeds to court, discussions had during negotiation stage cannot be used in court as evidence).


A neutral third party acts as a go-between between the parties, who are usually in separate rooms, identifying the issues and exploring options for resolution to facilitate an agreement. They don’t take sides, make judgements or provide advice.


Legal arbitration is similar to the court process to the extent that an independent arbitrator hears the case and makes a decision which is final and binding on all parties. Some business contracts have an arbitration clause which requires the parties to go through this process in the event of a dispute.


This is similar to mediation except a third party will actively assist the parties to settle the dispute, by suggesting which points each party should concede.

Expert Determination

This is an informal process and is better served in situations which require technical expertise. An expert is appointed who decides on a technical issue. The expert’s decision is contractually binding on the parties.

Our Alternative Dispute Resolution solicitors are experienced in providing advice and support on a range of issues, including:

Contract Disputes

Debt Recovery

Commercial Property Disputes

Professional Negligence

Shareholder, Partnership or Director Disputes

Construction Claims

What are the benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Generally, going through Alternative Dispute Resolution:

  • Saves time
  • Saves money
  • Is confidential

To learn more about Alternative Dispute Resolution methods and discuss whether it’s right for your case, speak to our team of solicitors.

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What people say about us

I am honoured to recommend Sarah-Jane who was representing one of the parties in a mediation in which I was the mediator. She is an excellent litigator who pays attention to detail. Aside from her professionalism which I think is superb, I am particularly impressed by her ability to efficiently prepare all the necessary paperwork in litigation from bundles and correspondence through to briefs.

Paul Rose - Mediator

Sarah-Jane Dunhill closeup transparent background

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