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Road Traffic Accident including Car, Motorbike and Pedestrian Accidents

Have you been injured in a road accident that was not your fault?

Compensation for road traffic accidents

Common causes of road traffic accidents include other road users, poorly maintained roads, obstructions in the road and slippery surfaces. You may have suffered an injury whilst you were:

  • driving a vehicle which was involved in an accident which was not your fault
  • a passenger in a vehicle – whether or not the person driving you was at fault
  • a pedestrian
  • a motorcyclist or pillion passenger
  • a cyclist.

Poole Alcock’s personal injury solicitors have a wide range of experience in all types of road traffic accident claim and are able to help the following:

  • investigating liability, including interviewing witnesses and obtaining sketch plans and photographs of the accident location where necessary
  • rehabilitation
  • obtaining compensation for the immediate injuries suffered, taking into account any long term consequences
  • provision of an alternative vehicle whilst your own is off the road.

We can also help you to recover all expenses reasonably incurred and caused by the accident such as:

  • pre-accident value of your vehicle
  • any insurance policy excess
  • hire of an alternative vehicle whilst your own is off the road
  • loss of earnings
  • medical treatment costs
  • damaged clothing and equipment e.g. damaged motorcycle and cycling helmets
  • cost of care whether provided by a healthcare professional, family or friends
  • future losses, such as loss of earnings and pension payments.

Time Limit

Court proceedings must normally be commenced within 3 years of the date of your accident. If court proceedings are not commenced within the 3 year period then your claim will be out of time. Although a court does have the discretion to allow court proceedings to be commenced and to continue after the 3 year period has expired this must not, and cannot, be relied on.

The 3 year period is different if, for example, the person injured was under 18 years of age at the time of their injury. In this case the 3 year period does not commence until their 18th birthday.

Funding your claim

If your claim has reasonable prospects of success then we will be happy to act for you on a ‘No Win, No Fee’ basis. We will make enquiries to ensure ‘No Win, No Fee’ is appropriate to you. We will be happy to discuss other funding options with you.

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Free consultation

If a loved one has died following an accident which was caused by a third party, please do not hesitate to contact our specialist injury team. We will be happy to help and provide free initial advice.

There is no obligation to make a claim – you decide whether or not you wish to go ahead.

Family department team

Contact Our Personal Injury Team

If you have a potential Personal Injury claim and would like to discuss this with a member of our team, please complete the short form below or call us for free on 01270 444329.

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What people say about us

Truly excellent service! Jamie and his team provided me with expert advice and guidance, as well as a professional and compassionate manner when I needed it the most. Would highly recommend Poole Alcock.

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