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Compassionate Divorce Lawyers in Nottingham: Your Trusted Advisors in Challenging Times

We are a team of highly sought after divorce and family solicitors in Nottingham. We represent thousands of clients across the UK every year across all areas of family law, from simple amicable divorces right the way through to turbulent marital breakdowns with complex financial assets and delicate child custody issues. Every relationship is different, and the breakdown dynamics are no less unique. We tailor our services to the specifics of your situation, whilst guaranteeing a consistently excellent experience time and time again. This is evidenced by over 1,000 independent 5* client reviews. 

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation For Expert Legal Advice.

We appreciate how stressful the initial stages of the divorce process can be. To help give some clarity and peace of mind, our divorce lawyers in Nottingham offer all clients an initial consultation free of charge. We will talk through your circumstances and your goals and help you to understand your options and likely outcomes. Clients tell us every day how helpful this initial call is at a time when it can be extremely difficult to see the way forward. If you’d like to talk to a member of our Nottingham divorce and family law team, complete the ‘request a call back’ form and we will contact you at a time and date that is convenient. 

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Our Nottingham Solicitors' Offices

Visit our solicitors at Poole Alcock Nottingham


Fenchurch House, 12 King St, Nottingham NG1 2AS
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0115 822 0733

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Opening Times

Monday – Friday: 9am – 5:15pm
Weekends: Closed

We have 60 offices across the UK – Book a free consultation

A free initial discussion with our Nottingham divorce and family Law team can be arranged in line with your busy schedule. Simply fill out the ‘request a call back’ form with your preferred date and time and we will be in touch. Alternatively, if you are free now, you can call us. 

Why choose Poole Alcock?

We have over 1,000 independent 5 star reviews from clients which demonstrates the level of service you can expect when you instruct our Nottingham divorce lawyers. Our family law team have a real passion for what they do, fighting for client’s best possible outcomes whilst delivering advice with the compassionate approach required at this very stressful time. We can help with any area of family law in Nottingham; including child law, divorce, financial matters, consent ordered, pre-nuptial agreements to name a few.  We encourage you to read our Committed to Excellence Promise for more information about what you expect when you instruct Poole Alcock LLP to be your trusted divorce solicitor in Nottingham. 


Call our Nottingham office today on 0115 822 0733 

What makes us different to other law firms in Nottingham?

We're proud to stand out from our competitors for the exceptional service we offer.

5 star service
Over 1,000 independent reviews
Top 10 law firm
50+ Solicitors
Committed to Excellence

Meet Your Team

Some of our Divorce Services in Nottingham include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Legal Aid?

If you are considered a ‘proven victim of domestic abuse’ or your child is at risk of harm, you may qualify for legal aid. There is also a financial test that will apply and you should contact our legal aid team for a Legal Aid pack, if you think that you may be eligible.

I Want To Make An Application To Court, Do I Have To Attend Mediation?

Yes you must attend a MIAM (Mediation Information Assessment Meeting) before making an application to court- unless you are exempt due to domestic abuse, or there is an applicable exception, such as urgency.

I Have Reached An Agreement About The Financial Split With My Former Spouse, What Should We Do?

You should ensure that the agreement reached is binding and enforceable upon you both. The only way to do this is to draw up the agreement within a financial consent order. It is important that this document is drawn-up by a qualified specialist and if your ex’s solicitor draws up the agreement, ensure you also obtain independent legal advice on the contents.

The Family Home Is Owned In My Spouse's Name And They Say I Do Not Have Any Rights, Is That Correct?

No. If you are married or in a civil partnership you will have a financial interest as the family home will be considered a matrimonial asset. You can apply to protect your interest in the family home by registering a Notice of Home Rights. This is something that you should talk to our team about urgently. For unmarried parties, you can seek to claim a beneficial interest in the property, even if you are not named on the legal title.

Will I Need A Court Order To See My Children?

If parents are not able to agree the arrangements for children to see both parents then it may be necessary to ultimately apply to the court. There are a number of alternatives available, including; solicitor-led negotiation, mediation, family based counselling and parenting courses to help separated parents learn to work together. We can guide you through the options and try to reach an agreement without the need for court involvement. In high conflict cases we will fight your case through the court route.

Can I Keep My House After The Divorce?

The aim in all cases will be to ensure that both parties and the children’s housing needs are met. Depending upon the assets available, it may be possible to enable one of the parties to remain living at the former family home post-separation. Our experienced family law specialists will be able to talk to you about your options and work with you to achieve your best outcome.

How Can I Pay For A Solicitor?

There are a number of options, including; using income and capital, financial support or loans from family and friends, commercial lending from banks, credit cards, a specialist litigation loan, an agreement with your former spouse that they pay, or court order directing them that they must pay, and Legal Aid funding. Talk to our team about the funding options available in your case.

If I Have Kids, How Is Custody Decided?

Parents should try to decide together what the living arrangements should be for children. If you can decide between yourselves, there is no need to take the matter to court. Under the Children Act 1989, the court will always rule that no order should be made unless it is in the best interests of the child, and will only intervene if absolutely necessary. This is often only required in more complex cases where there are safeguarding concerns.

Is Divorce Settlement Taxable Income?

In England and Wales the majority of settlements will not be taxable income, but circumstances do vary on a case by case basis. There may be other tax considerations you need to take into account, including issues of Income Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty and Capital Gains Tax. Your solicitor will be able to advise on these.

When Divorced, How Is Property Divided?

After ascertaining the value of the property, you need to decide whether someone wants to keep it. Any person keeping property will need sufficient borrowing capacity for the existing mortgage and outgoings, and might need to ‘buy out’ the other person’s financial interest. In some cases, it is possible for the other party to retain a deferred interest in the property — this is usually so that dependent children can remain in the family home. In other cases it may be possible to offset the property’s equity against other assets such as a pension pot, savings and investments. Often there are financial reasons that mean a 50/50 split of the equity in a property is not a ‘fair’ division. There may also be good reason to argue that a greater share of the equity in a property should be retained by one party over the other. 

Does Divorce Revoke A Will?

No, your Will remains valid and it’s vital that you amend or update it when going through divorce. For the purposes of inheritance, the Will will treat your ex-partner as though they have died during the divorce proceedings, so you will need to update your beneficiaries to ensure any inheritance is divided as you wish.

Divorce: Where To Start?

Begin by consulting a solicitor; we offer a free initial consultation without obligation to begin the process. Once instructed, we will draft a divorce application on your behalf and file with the court. After your spouse responds to the application, 20 weeks after the date of issue you can apply for a conditional order and then 6 weeks later a final order finalising the divorce. It’s worth noting that this process is purely the divorce side of things – resolving finances is often an area of difficulty which requires expert legal advice.

Are Divorce Records Public?

Yes, but none of the fine details of a divorce are available to the public. The only thing on public record is the Decree Absolute, which just contains the parties’ names and the date of the proceedings.

What Accreditations Do You Have?

Resolution Members
Our solicitors are all members of Resolution – a national organisation of family lawyers committed to non-confrontational divorce and separation.

Accredited Team
We are accredited by the Law Society and have members on the Advanced Family Panel of Solicitors.

Collaborative Lawyer
Richard Barratt – the head of the Divorce and Family Team – is also a qualified Collaborative Lawyer.

What does this mean? Well, under the collaborative process, each person appoints their own collaboratively trained lawyer and you and your respective lawyers all meet together to work things out face to face. Both of you will have your lawyer by your side throughout the process and so you will have their support and legal advice as you go.

Resolution Specialist Accredited Members
Helen Stoller is also a Specialist Accredited Member of Resolution in relation to finances and children matters.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Divorce?

It will take at least 20 weeks from the date the divorce application is issued to the date of the conditional order (the first stage). It will take a minimum of a further 6 weeks before you can apply for the final order ending your marriage or civil partnership. This means, a straightforward divorce can take around 6-8 months. Often divorces can take longer because parties are negotiating and finalising a financial settlement arising from their separation.

How Much Does A Divorce Cost?

In England and Wales, it currently costs £593 to pay the court.

We can arrange a consultation to discuss your reasons for divorce and offer fixed fees so we can continue to process your request. Throughout the entire process, our professional divorce and family law solicitors will support and represent you with our expert advice to achieve the very best outcome.

You may qualify for a court fee reduction from the government. We can offer Fixed-Fees Divorces and Payment Plans, depending upon your circumstances

Arrange A Free Divorce Consultation

Please submit your information and a member of the Poole Alcock team will respond to you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, please feel free to call 0115 822 0733.

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Family department team

Nottingham Divorce Lawyers

Our specialist divorce lawyers in Nottingham have extensive experience representing clients during one of the most stressful periods of their lives. Our team handle each case with care and sensitivity whilst also standing by your side to navigate the legal divorce process. From the initial consultation, your family solicitor will seek to understand your unique situation and will provide you with clarity and direction. Once your goals have been established, we will fight to make them a reality. 

Tailored Legal Solutions: Our Nottingham family law team offer a fully bespoke service, tailored to your situation, your needs and desired outcome. No two divorces are the same, and that is reflected in the service we provide. 

Comprehensive Services: Our divorce solicitors in Nottingham cover all areas of divorce and family law, meaning you can benefit from years of experience dealing with every type of relationship breakdown and associated legal process. No matter what your circumstances, we will have experience that we use to achieve the best outcome for you and support you through this difficult time.


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