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Supply & Distribution Agreements

We can review your relationships to decide whether a service level agreement could be appropriate and, if so, draft a comprehensive agreement tailored to your business.

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Supply or Distribution Agreements

Does your business rely on the ongoing provision of a service by a supplier? Or does your business provide ongoing services, outsourced or otherwise, to your customers?

A service level agreement is a contract with a supplier which formally defines and agrees the level of service that will be provided; it reduces the risk of conflict which in turn can save your business money and protect your commercial relationships.

We can:

  • you receive fair value for granting rights;
  • you do not give away more than you intended; and
  • you are protected if payment is not forthcoming or if unauthorised use is made of your assets.

Meet The Team

Family department team

Arrange A Consultation

Please submit your information and a member of the Poole Alcock team will respond to you as soon as possible. If you have a quick question, please feel free to call 0800 470 0334.

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What people say about us

We were recommended to use Poole Alcock and in particular, Monisha by our neighbours, who found her to be very approachable.

Throughout our relationship, from the initial meeting through to completion, the communications were always first class and easily understood. Monisha was knowledgeable in the subject we approached her with and was quickly able to conclude the documentation and business we had.

I would not hesitate to recommend Poole Alcock, and Monisha herself, if asked.

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